Here at Web Studio Lab, we have the goal to constantly be at the cutting edge of design and development of websites and applications. We aim to provide you with the best opportunities for your business...

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1GS Security


A confident push towards a site that makes private and commercial security an approachable experience was a given. That, and directing a style that brings the 1GS team a cut above their competitors was of primary importance. Since websites are the port of call for many businesses, getting the right balance between attracting new clients and confirming established ones are a must.


Industry: Security Services
Location: London, UK


Requirements: Website Redesign
Status: Live and Online


Call to action
Display of products


Approached: Jul '19
Completed: Sep '19

"keeping people safe"


There was a real concern for designing a site that would incorporate two identifiable strands of the business - the services and the products. Making sure that both were easily accessible to the user was a must.


Crucial to the client was the seamless integration of brand guidelines into the website so that consumers would connect between the face to face contact as well as the online portal. Various navigation sequences were employed to get the user to the page they were looking for faster.