Here at Web Studio Lab, we have the goal to constantly be at the cutting edge of design and development of websites and applications. We aim to provide you with the best opportunities for your business...

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Long Clothing


This was a big project with many different particulars attached with it. We wanted to strip down the old site and move forwards with a dynamic and slick usr experience. The directors had a vision in mind and Web Studio Lab was along for the ride.


Industry: Fashion
Location: London, UK


Requirements: Website Redesign
Status: Live and Online


Clean design
Ease of navigation


Approached: Dec '19
Completed: Apr '20

"Join the cult of LONG"


There were many elements to shift platforms from WordPress to Shopify; and the various challenges that come with it. This clean start would enable the team to focus on what they are good at - designing and selling alternative streetwear.


Ease of navigation and a simple user experience to purchase the products was a main focus. Time was spent enabling management for the future a synch, joining into the templates.