Here at Web Studio Lab, we have the goal to constantly be at the cutting edge of design and development of websites and applications. We aim to provide you with the best opportunities for your business...

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Lucia Piccinini


A talented architect venturing out alone into the corporate world to make a name for herself. The website needed to bring the personality of what is normally a rigid environment for professionals. Whilst being modern and promoting the value in the service.


Industry: Architecture
Location: London, UK


Requirements: Website Design
Status: Live and Online


Clean and professional


Approached: June '23
Completed: Sept '23

"Architect for the smart and savvy investor"


A project where we wanted to promote the feel of an International professional working in the London market. Elements on the different pages had to reflect their perfectionist tendencies - as per the meticulous nature of the work they do.


The floating and animated movement on the website was essential to merge with the scrolling of the page. A subtle reflection of the ethos and genuine, clean approach the client provides clients.